Download all File Versions from SharePoint using PowerShell
SharePoint is a great platform for file versioning, and it is not uncommon that organizations wish to see or save all versions of a document or use an earlier version to re-create the document. Here we share a PowerShell script that downloads all versions of all files in a SharePoint document library. You can use the same approach for CSOM(client site object model), JSOM (JavaScript object model) or any other SharePoint object model. Below is the code with explanations. Please study them before you download the script and change the site URL and document library name to your own. Code description Get the SharePoint site reference. $spSiteURL = "" $spWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity $spSiteURL Get the document library as folder . Here “Docs” is the name of the document library , and I load it as SharePoint folder. $spDocFolder = $spWeb . GetFolde...